Developing areas of UAE economy
…A History of the Turks
…ks: Their Origin And History (1875)
…The Turks Today
…: Our History, Culture and Heritage
… Ottoman Empire Before Its Collapse
…Their Condition At The Present Time
…ies of the Ottoman Turks, 1300-1774
…of Their Empire to the Present Time
…rs of the Turks: Chapters I. to IV.
…y of the Maritime Wars of the Turks
…The Turks and Europe
…mpire to the Present Time, Volume 1
…: A History of Animosity, 1893-1923
…mpire To The Present Time, Volume 2
…a in History and at the Present Day
…The Turk in the Balkans ……
…ra of Ottoman History: 1908 to 1918
…With the Turks in Thrace
…rk: In the Base of Cultural History
…« in Early Modern Europe: 1453-1683
…With the Turk in wartime
… in Egypt and Their Cultural Legacy
… the Present Time (Classic Reprint)
… Islands: Our Heritage, Our History
…The Real Turk
…: Visual Imagery before Orientalism
…rks in Its Relation to Christianity
…With the Turks in Palestine
…The Turks in World History