Developing areas of UAE economy
…Frank Gehry: The Masterpieces
…Frank Gehry
…t: The Life and Work of Frank Gehry
…Frank Gehry: The City and Music
…Green Architecture
…ilding for the Twenty-First Century
…uvel, Wang Shu and other architects
…m: Frank Gehry Designs the Building
…de to Building Styles and Materials
…rchitecture, Technology and Process
…The Architecture of Frank Gehry
…k Gehry and Other L.A. Architecture
…hry Talks: Architecture and Process
…ture and the Digital Design Process
… O. Gehrys \”Haus des Architekten\”
…Architecture For Dummies
…latus in Frank Gehry’s Architecture
… Architect: The Art of Architecture
…al Practice in Frank Gehry’s Office
…itekt als Choreograph der Baukörper
…hitecture and Spectacle: A Critique
…Frank Gehry: The Houses
…Frank Gehry – Les chefs-d’oeuvre
…ld: The Architecture of Frank Gehry
…: New Art, Fashion and Architecture
…Little Genius Architecture
…Architecture in the 20th Century
…Peter Arnell: Portfolio 1980–2020
…0 Things to Know about Architecture