Developing areas of UAE economy
…Exploring Ancient Egypt
…The Visitation Trilogy
…ic Age: From Alexander to Cleopatra
…Animal Behaviour in Egyptian Art
…ion Quartet: Plays by Stephen Evans
…d Affairs Group, Volume VI, Issue I
…I: The Tomb of Niankhpepy the Black
…The Joneses & the Princess’s Seneb
…The House of the Sphinx
…Practical Encyclopedia of Sailing
…lizabeth Price and Sir Arthur Evans
…صرية، مجموعة بناء المعالم التاريخية
…poleon and Egyptomania in Tennessee
… II: The Tomb of Pepyankh the Black
…Egypt Under the Pharaohs
…entre for Egyptology BACE 25 (2014)
…Kinship and Marriage among the Nuer
…Powers and Prospects in the Levant.
… of the Desert Air Force, 1942-1945
…tuals and Religion of Ancient Egypt
…Superland 5 Workbook (Egypt)
…Superland 6 Workbook (Egypt)
…The Language of the Papyri
…an Volume lV: The Tomb of Baqet lll
…Superland 4 Workbook (Egypt)
… Grounds, Graveyards and Cemeteries
…yria: An Archaeological Exploration
…Neferura: A Novel