Developing areas of UAE economy
…gs: Selected Essays in Anthropology
…heories, Research, and Applications
…ion: A Relevance-Theoretic Approach
…ension in Autism Spectrum Disorders
…chology of Interpersonal Perception
…ة كلاسيكية تحمل املًا من الهولوكوست
…ng: An Emblematic 20th-Century Life
…ael White’s \”Absent But Implicit\”
…tion: An Introduction to Pragmatics
…ry: Stories of Strength and Meaning
…ions in Second Language Acquisition
…Writing: Access, Regulation, Desire
…(Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
… Therapy: Listening for the Subtext
…o Listen from Multiple Perspectives
…oanalytic and Philosophical Inquiry
…rience, Language, and the Nonverbal
…uage Research in Classroom Learning
… of Meaning in Memory (PLE: Memory)
…eurocognition of Music and Language
…Meaning in Mid-Life Transitions
…Fact and Meaning
…unction of an inflectional category
…role as a Woman in the world of Men
…لك سعيدة و بنجاح في العمل و in Life
…tudies in the Theory of Speech Acts
…ning of Nucleocytoplasmic Transport
…antics in honor of Laurence R. Horn