Developing areas of UAE economy
…-Asna Fi Sharh Asma’ Allah Al-Husna
…The Alchemy of Happiness
…al Din of Imam abu hamid al Ghazali
…Al-Ghazali: Al-Munqidh Min ad-Dalal
…و حامد الغزالي دار دار دار الطاقاوي
…On the Duties of Brotherhood
…Mysteries of the Human Soul
…entance: \”Kitab at Tauba\” of Ihya
…e: Kitab al-Ilm of Ihya Ulum al-Din
…us Learning: v. 3: Ihya Ulum id-Din
…and Other Essays on Hujjatu’l-Islām
…-Ghazali Mukhtasar Ihya Ulum Ad-din